Children start making marks on paper at an early age and from these early mark makers we aim to develop confident and fluent writers. Across the school children are encouraged to write for different purposes and we constantly look to develop their vocabulary and sentence structure skills and knowledge.
Children in Reception focus on developing marks, building strength in their hands through games and only then developing traditional joins. In KS1 the focus is on writing confidently and at length. In KS2 the focus is on spelling, punctuation and grammar and being able to write in a range of styles and genres. Our writing results are consistently above national average.
All classes follow the new curriculum carefully. The whole school takes part in regular writing cafes where they are able to write for pleasure. The choices are often linked to the theme that the children are working, it allows for the school to ensure that they can write across the curriculum and therefore begin to fully understand its purpose.
Our approach to writing across the school sees us build upon skills and knowledge taught each year through the use of bespoke curriculum planned through thorough research and aligned to our school vision. This forms the basis of our teaching sequences to ensure that children are immersed in good, high quality model texts that can then be analysed and used to shape independent application, through a range of different genres. Children are then able to access and use aspects of good writing, which in turn creates a ‘bank’ of ideas for use at a deeper level, throughout all writing. It enables pupils to write with strength independently in years 5 and 6.
The school uses the elements of ‘Deconstruct it, Deepen it, Plan it, Draft it, Edit it, Revise it and Publish it’ across both Key Stage 1 and 2. This ensures that children are well equipped to convey information confidently and clearly through written forms.