Week at a glance 10-14 February 2025
Dear Parents/Carers,
Below is week at a glance 10-14 February.
Friday 14 February is the last day of term, 3pm pick up.
Holiday 17-21 February.
Staff training day Monday 24 February, children do not attend. Children return to school Tuesday 25 February.
Tuesday 11 February
Reception Balanceability continues
Safer Internet day
St James prayer group will meet 8pm at Pip and Jim’s church
Wednesday 12 February
Class 8 Parent Assembly 9-9:30am
selected players only-football tournament at Cheltenham college (parents to transport 1.30pm)
Choir club has finished, this club is no longer running, there is no session this week.
Thursday 13 February
Rowan Gymnastics-Key steps competition-invitation children only
Friday 14 February
Launch World Book Day Book in a Shoebox Competition
Valentine's day!
Last day of term 3pm pick up
Other information
School holiday 17-21 February.
Staff training day Monday 24 February, children return to school Tuesday 25 February
Gloucestershire tennis camp leaflet attached
St James prayer group will meet 8pm at Pip and Jim’s church Tuesday 11 February, you are welcome to go along
Please do not send in sweets, cakes or treats for your child's birthday treat for the class. We have children with dietary needs and ask that you refrain from sending in sweet treats.
Do you have any spare tissues? Classes are in need of tissues for sniffles! If you would like to donate tissues, bring them to school office.
Information can be found on our website https://www.stjamescofeprimary-dgat.co.uk/ if you have any queries email admin@st-jamespri.dgat.org.uk
Have a lovely weekend.