Our school uniform supplier, Monkhouse schoolwear, have provided a link to their website for you to order school uniform, which is https://www.monkhouse.com/school/st-james-c-of-e-primary-school-urn-144089-id-372069
Reception School Uniform
Plain black joggers (or shorts on warmer days)
Plain trainers, either slip on or Velcro (not plimsoles or
lace ups)
Plain white polo shirt (or St James’ logo shirt)
St James’ logo school jumper / cardigan
School Uniform – Year 1 to Year 6
The school uniform contributes to a feeling of belonging to the school. The uniform is available from Monkhouse Schoolwear. Details are available from the office. The PTA organise a “Pre loved uniform” at the school during term time.
The uniform for all children is as follows :-
Winter: white school shirt, blouse or polo shirt, grey skirt, pinafore, school trousers or shorts, burgundy school jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt.
Summer as above, or red striped or gingham dress. Shoes please ensure that these are practical and can be put on and off without adult assistance. Boots, open-toed sandals, trainers and “fashion” shoes are not appropriate.
Variations on the above may be made on the basis of religious or cultural beliefs. Socks should be white, black or grey. All uniform may be purchased from any store as it is generic. Children DO NOT need to wear the school logo jumper and may purchase a burgundy one instead.
School Uniform—PE
Each child requires clothing for physical education. This should consist of trainers, socks, and then a choice of our PE kit. You may purchase PE kit from any stores but it must be without sporting logos and be plain navy blue. We encourage all children, where possible to purchase a school logo sports top. Please ensure that your child wears PE uniform on PE days. We request that children wear trainers and not astro football boots.
Please mark all items of clothing and footwear with your child’s name. If you fail to do this, it is very difficult to trace lost articles.
Lost property boxes are situated by the infant double doors which can be checked after school (enter via the playground).
School uniform exists to promote the ethos of the school, provide a sense of belonging and identity and to help set the appropriate tone for education. The DfE state: ‘By creating a common identity amongst all pupils, regardless of background, a school uniform can act as a social leveller. It can reduce bullying and peer pressure to wear the latest fashions or other expensive clothes ‘ The school is conscious of the cost of uniform both School and PE; whilst branded options are available the school actively support non-branded clothing when possible. Children may wear non-branded burgundy jumpers/cardigans and non-branded navy blue PE kit. There are sports kits options.