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Formal Assessment – The school undertakes a regular series of internal and external testing in order to establish that your child is making satisfactory progress.

During the first half term of starting school, simple activities will be undertaken which have been designed to tell us a little about where your child is starting from. All Reception children will undergo the National Baseline Assessment during their Reception year. These are to inform Y1 teachers of their achievements set against the Early Learning Goals. Towards the end of year 1 children also have to undertake a Phonic Screening Check provided by the government.

At the end of each Key Stage 2 when the children are in Year 6 they will be assessed using nationally administered tests (SATs)  during the month of May. Test results are given to parents towards the end of the year. In Year 4 the children also take a National Multiplication Check.


Ongoing Assessment – Teachers continually assess the children in their class against the national curriculum which is split into year group blocks and shared on our curriculum pages. Schools now report on pupil achievement against Age Related Expectations.

Here at St James’ we rigorously assess the pupils in their ability across the curriculum and report on attainment and progress each year. The school report to parents twice a year and our open door policy means that we can give parents information and support when they need it.

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