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PSHCE includes everything our school does to promote pupils’ good health and well-being and is backed by the National Healthy Schools Programme. 

Overall our PSHCE curriculum exemplifies how we help children to be healthy, happy, economically secure and successful citizens. 

However, much of this is also influenced and developed through day to day teaching, keeping children safe and our overall ethos including collective worship and spiritual growth. 

Our PSHCE curriculum is divided into core themes which are:

  • Health and Wellbeing

  • RSE and Health 

  • Economic Development

  • Social and Emotional Development

  • Citizenship and Living in the Wider World

Additional to this we do blocks of work on safety awareness, sustainable and safe journeys to school and explicit teaching of drug awareness and relationships and sex education (RSE*). Any issues that arise for specific children, year groups or due to external influences may also be built into PSHCE and classroom discussions. This is part of being responsive to our children’s needs. Our citizenship strand also demonstrates how we promote fundamental British values (democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and respect and tolerance of / for others). 

Our knowledge and discussions are extended and explored through Philosophy For Children – taught to all DGAT Trust schools. 

©2023 Spirit Education Services

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