Music In Reception
Children in their Reception year will have many opportunities to explore and recognise how sounds can be produced and changed. They will learn to sing songs from memory recognise repeated sounds and sound patterns and match movements to music. They will communicate their ideas and feelings by singing a variety of songs and using a selection of musical instruments. During this year the emphasis will be on action songs and musical games.
Music at key stages 1 and 2 children will be taught to:
Control sounds through singing and playing.
Create and develop musical ideas.
Respond to a variety of music from different times and cultures.
Review individual and group musical activities.
Listen with concentration.
Internalise and recall sounds with increasing aural memory.
Sing in two parts.
Use ICT to capture and combine sounds.
The teaching will focus on the seven elements of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture and structure.
In school music is taught by class teachers in weekly music lessons. Wherever possible there will be links made to other parts of the curriculum.
We firmly believe that music helps to develop skills in other areas, especially in the development of Literacy (language skills, rhythm, rhyme, research and communicating ideas), Numeracy (patterns and sequences), ICT (composing, notation, research, use of CDs and recording) and PSHE (reflecting, listening, creating and performing). During their lessons the children will have access to tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments, electronic digital keyboards which link to our computers and also CDs exploring a range of music. We also host visiting workshops on occasion.
Our talented music co-ordinator ensures that teachers receive the right training and support to ensure that music remains at the heart of our curriculum. The school works with Gloucestershire Music and offers whole school tuition on a regular basis to classes across the school with each year group from Y3 – Y6 having 10 weeks of instrument instruction with a series of instruments: brass, drums, ukulele and Violin. Year 2 learn the recorder as a class and we use Explore Music through Reception and Year 1.
There are many opportunities to explore music at school:
Worship and Assemblies – Include a focus on hymns and singing and an opportunity to showcase pupil’s talent in playing at the start and end of worship.
Special Occasions – At Harvest time, Easter and Christmas the school comes together to create special performances for parents to attend usually in the Church, where the children get a chance to share music they have created. At the end of the summer term the Year 6 children put on a production for the rest of the school and for their parents. Our whole school Jazz Festival prior to Covid-19 was a triumph!
Choir – With the support of a member of staff we have a choir that is open to all children at different points in the year. They learn songs from a variety of musical traditions and cultures and are also taught about articulation and vocal techniques. Often at Christmas time the choir performs in local Care Homes. They also sing together at local concerts. Pupils and staff enjoy Young Voices every year.
Orchestra – Our children that play an instrument are welcomed to perform together or individually. Pupils enjoy performing for school performances, such as assemblies, Harvest festival and during worship.
We welcome parents or local community members who would like to come and share their musical expertise at school.