‘Inspiring and Growing
for Fullness of Life’
St. James’ Primary Church of England Controlled School has a church foundation and seeks to fulfil the aim of its Trust Deed by offering high quality education with the context of the Christian faith and practice. Christian standards and values are reflected in the life and work of the school and are promoted amongst the children.
St James’ was judged as a ‘Good’ school (OFSTED October 2023). Our vision is ‘Inspiring and Growing for Fullness of Life’ which ensures that all children leave our school with firm foundations and great memories that will last them a lifetime. We encourage children to take responsibility for their learning, to grow in confidence and become more independent.
Our Vision
‘Inspiring and Growing for Fullness of Life’
Our Mission
St James’ Church of England Primary School provides the highest quality education within the context of caring Christian beliefs and practices; in partnership with St. Philip and St. James’ Church. St. James’ is a creative, nurturing inclusive community, shaped by our vision for spiritual growth and our Christian values. Children, of any faith or none, are given the opportunity to develop their own spirituality, valuing wisdom, growing in hope, showing respect and exploring big questions.
British Values Statement
British Values are embedded in the life of our school through our distinctive Christian character and demonstrated through our core values of Love, Forgiveness, Co-operation, Trust, Courage, Perseverance, Humility, Friendship, Respect, Responsibility, Generosity and Honesty. We promote, through our values and our curriculum an acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; the pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to our world. This is outlined through our curriculum intent.